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Uxbridge Youth Soccer

Uxbridge Youth Soccer

Playing Up Policy

As an organization, UYSL’s primary approach to creating competitive teams will place players of like age within the same age level and in accordance with MassYouthSoccer guidelines.  We do recognize that there are times when, as an exception, it may be appropriate younger players to “play up” with a team at a higher age level.  To “play up”, the following criteria must be met:

Team Need:

a.    Insufficient players are available at the registered team’s age level to field the required players and appropriate substitutes

b.    In the case of “team need”, a UYSL board member will identify a player to play up with the following criteria:

  • Moving a player up will not create a situation that requires a second player to play up at the lower team’s age level
  • The highest ranked lower age level player will be requested first
  • Written parent approval is required before a player can be placed on a higher age level team
  • If the highest ranked player’s parents decline, the next highest ranked player will be engaged and so on.


Exceptional Player Ability:

A parent may wish to request that a player be permitted to play up.  The following must occur:

a.    Parent of the exceptional player must contact the UYSL board at [email protected] and formally request the player be moved up an age level in the next playing season.  The request must be approved by:

  • UYSL Board
  • Bryan Kindl - President, UYSL


b.    Prior to an approval to play up, the player will be required to participate in an objective player evaluation.  The player evaluation will occur as follows:

  • Player participates in the Spring league assessments, but is assessed with the age level requested for the Fall season


  • The player will be invited to attend the practice of a team at the age level the player is requesting to play in.  A board member will coordinate the evaluation will be attended by one or more board members

c.    The move of the player must be deemed, by the UYSL board, to be in the best interest of the player, the team and UYSL


a.     No more than two U9/U10 teams of each gender may have U8 players on any rosters; and

b.    Small town/club soccer programs need additional players to have a viable U9/U10 team so it places strong U8 players on a U9/U10 team roster; and

c.     No U9/U10 player is denied a roster spot in favor of a U8 player; and

d.     U8 players comprise less than 40% of any single team’s roster

e.     Players playing up must achieve placement on an A or B division team; players will not be allowed to play up on a C   division team

f.      This policy does not apply to divisional placement.  Divisional placement of a player or team is left to the sole discretion of the UYSL board

g.     Players at the U10 level and above will only approved to play up based upon team need

If you have questions or special requests, please email us at [email protected].

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Uxbridge Youth Soccer League
PO Box 233 
Uxbridge, Massachusetts 01569

Email: [email protected]

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